Full Code – (b)TtM²
Produced, Engineered and Mixed by Dan Murtagh
Mastered by Forrester Savell
Full Code – (b)TtM²
Produced, Engineered and Mixed by Dan Murtagh
Mastered by Forrester Savell
Jova – The Boy
Produced and Mixed by Dan Murtagh
Recorded at The Grove Studios, NSW
I read this very favorable review of Full Code’s new record that absolutely made my day. This guy really gets this band! Thanks to I Probably Hate Your Band for a very entertaining read. Here’s the intro, click on the link below for rest of this excellent breakdown of the record and the reviewer’s weird fetish for the drummer:
Song review: Telescapes
Band: Full Code
Twitter: @fullcodemusic
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Date of Release: 20th June, 2014
Genre: Progressive Rock
Reviewer: Erised (follow/abuse me on twitter @Giaccattack)
You know those bands that are so underground and artsy that they have really obscure song titles filled with references no one gets and symbols that are impossible to search and therefore damn near impossible to find when you are trying to google them? The bands that seem to actually WANT to alienate their listeners to a certain extent in order to bolster their avant-garde cred? Those musos that write meandering, 10 minute long epics that usually get listened to for 2 minutes before skipping to that shorter song that you kind of like as well? Well, I’ve got a fucking real live one here! I know, I know, contain your excitement, dear readers, and I will lead you on an equally meandering (but hopefully not as long) journey through Full Code’s gargantuan offering, “Telescapes”. I appreciate that the intro was a little misleading, but trust me, you are going to want to check this out. Let’s do this!
Read the full review HERE (seriously, fucking do it. this shit is amazeballs): http://
Check out Full Code’s music at their Bandcamp page: http://fullcode.bandcamp.com/album/telescapes